Bylaws of the International Adsorption Society, Inc.
Revised — April 2022
1. Purpose
The International Adsorption Society, Inc. (referred to here as IAS or the Society) is a non-profit professional association formed with the following goals:
To serve people, firms, and organizations who seek to advance the art, science, and technology of adsorption and related subjects, by publishing and distributing a journal) and possibly by conducting meetings and/or seminars.
To perform other services of a professional association, within the law.
To perform or sponsor scientific research in the field of adsorption, to be published in journals, proceedings or other forms.
2. Membership
Membership is open to people and corporations who identify with the purpose of the Society. Applications for membership, accompanied by the annual dues, shall be forwarded to the Secretary/Treasurer. Membership shall continue so long as the annual dues are paid. Exceptions to this policy shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Payment of membership fees shall be in U.S. dollars.
Members are entitled to the following benefits:
(a) Reduced registration fees to any conference sponsored or co-sponsored by IAS;
(b) Reduced subscription rates to the affiliated Journal.
Members are entitled to suggest changes to these Bylaws; or any other matter related to the activities of IAS. They are expected to further the objectives of IAS by encouraging work in adsorption in their own country, or region, and to play a full part in the activities of the Society, including submitting nominations for Vice-President and Board of Director, and voting in elections.
3. Organization
The ultimate responsibility for the activities of the Society rests with the Board of Directors. A General Meeting of members shall be convened at each Fundamentals of Adsorption Conference. The meeting shall consider any business relevant to the organization and activities of the Society.
4. Officers and Board of Directors
The Officers of the Society are the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Immediate Past President and the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. The President is the chief executive officer of the Society, and serves a term of three years. If present, he/she will chair both general meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors. Upon expiration of the term of office, he/she shall serve on the Board of Directors as Immediate Past President for three years. No person shall serve as President for more than one term.
The Vice-President shall hold office for three years and shall take over the duties of President at the expiration of the President’s term of office, or if the President resigns or becomes incapacitated before his/her term of office expires. If that occurs, the Board of Directors will appoint a temporary Vice-President. If the President cannot be present at a general meeting or a meeting of the Board of Directors, the Vice-President will chair that meeting.
The Secretary/Treasurer is appointed by the Board of Directors, serves a term of office of four years, is responsible for dealing with all membership matters, and is responsible to the Board of Directors for the proper handling of financial matters. He/She will present audited accounts of the Society to the Board of Directors by February 1, each year. These accounts shall be then presented to the Board of Directors annually and on approval may be released publicly.
The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Secretary/Treasurer, the Journal Editor, and twelve elected Directors. The Board may nominate up to four additional members of IAS as Directors to promote diverse membership,regional balance (to allow representation of regional or national organizations with objectives similar to those of the Society), and to maintain a balance between fundamental and applied interests. Appointment to the Board requires a majority affirmative vote of all the Directors. Their appointments shall commence July 1, or immediately if so appointed. A Director must be a dues-paying member of the IAS to participate in meetings of the directors.
Elected Directors shall hold office for six years. Six members shall retire every three years. No one leaving the Board in any capacity will be eligible for election to the Board for three years. Appointed Directors, other than the Editor(s), shall hold office for three years, but their appointment may be extended at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
5. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall running of the Society, and for determining long term policy. Formal meetings may be convened by the President in person or by video or teleconference. Among the specific duties are:
(i) to appoint the Secretary/Treasurer, editor of the affiliated journal, and chairpersons of the standing committees;
(ii) to elect the Vice-President of the IAS
(iii) to develop guiding principles for the journal, with regard to content, form, and circulation;
(iv) to establish dues for IAS members, with separate categories for regular members, students, small companies, and large companies;
(v) to approve the accounting and auditing procedures and results. If approved, the audit results will be circulated to all members;
(vi) to further the aims of the Society by encouraging activities related to adsorption in their countries or regions. Local or national Associations or Groups concerned with IAS should be encouraged to seek co-sponsorship for their meetings from IAS.
(vii) to select the chairperson and location of the Fundamentals of Adsorption Conference
6. Standing Committees of IAS
The Board of Directors shall appoint the chair of each committee, and the chair will appoint members to serve on each committee. These committees have responsibilities for activities that are delegated by the Board of Directors. The following are the Standing Committees of IAS:
(i) Meetings Committee: propose, arrange, and conduct meetings.
(ii) Nominating Committee: select nominees for offices and Boardof Directors.
(iii) Awards Committee: propose awards, seek sponsorship, and suggest candidates.
The Standing Committees will report their main activities to the Board of Directors annually and when deemed appropriate. Other committees will be formed as needs arise.
7. Finance
All monies received by the Society shall be used for the purposes of the Society. Expenditures on behalf of the Society are made by the Secretary-Treasurer and require authorization of the President or his/her designee in consultation with the other Officers of the Society. Such expenditures may include grants of travel expenses and seed fund loans for the FOA conference. All expenditures are to be recorded in the accounts of the Society, which are to be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors. The fiscal year of IAS ends on December 31. IAS is recognized as an a tax exempt corporation by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, under section 501(c)(6).
8. Journal
A Journal will be circulated at regular intervals.
The Editor of the Journal is appointed by the Board of Directors. The Editor is responsible for interactions with the authors, publisher, reviewers, and editorial board, and for maintaining records of transactions.
9. Elections
The Vice-President shall be elected by the Board of Directors at a meeting held during the Fundamentals of Adsorption Conference.
Elections for six new members of the Board of Directors shall be held during a General Assembly of the Society, typically during the Fundamentals of Adsorption Conference. Nominations for the Board of Directors by members of IAS, with the prior consent of the nominee, can be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer before the General Assembly of IAS. Nominees for the Board of Directors must have been members of the IAS for at least one year prior to the election.
The successful candidates will be those six for whom the largest number of votes are cast. The result will be announced during the conference.
Officers and Directors will assume office on July 1 of the year of election.
10. Changes in the Bylaws
Changes in the Bylaws shall be approved by the membership by postal or electronic ballot, with a majority of at least two-thirds of the valid votes cast.
In cases where the Bylaws are not clear, the President’s ruling shall be decisive after consultation with members of the Board of Directors.
11. Termination of the Society
The decision to terminate the Society can only be taken with a four-fifths majority at a General Assembly of the Society at which at least two-thirds of the members are present or are legally represented. In case of termination, the funds shall be exclusively for non-profit purposes in the field of adsorption. The distribution of such funds shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.